More Soup with Andy
"Art is what you can get away with"
-Andy Warhol
16" x 16", oil on canvas
Dali Watches Time Fly
"I don't do drugs. I am drugs."
-Salvador Dali
16" x 16", oil on canvas
Henri is Fortunate
"Of course one should not drink much, but often."
-Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
16" x 16" oil on canvas
Picasso Hallucination
"The people who make art their business are mostly imposters."
-Pablo Picasso
16" x 16", oil on canvas
Roy Gets Popped!
"All my art is in some way about other art, even if the other art is cartoons"
-Roy Lichtenstein
16" x 16", oil on canvas
Enough With The Sunflowers, Vincent!
"I put my heart and soul into my work, and I have lost my mind in the process."
-Vincent Van Gogh
16" x 16", oil on
Copyright © 2019 Kevin Peddicord - All Rights Reserved. Website Design and Content Writing by The Artist's Concierge Thea Fotiu Howell