Death Has A Side Hustle
original oil on canvas
20" x 20"
Just a guy making a little extra cash.
The Marx Brothers
original oil on canvas
36" x 36"
The Anarchists of Comedy.
Duke D'Esgargot with Louis XVI
"I thought it was a costume ball."
20" x 24", oil on canvas
Lollypop Guild Recruit
The Munchkins bring in some added Tough Guy Swagger.
20" x 20", oil on canvas
Signed Gloss Photo Prints available
7" x 7" - $10
10" x 10" - $30
15" x 15" - $45
20" x 20" giclée signed by artist-$65
Cupcake Disagreement
Flash Gordon "mixes" it up with one of Ming's minions.
20" x 20", oil on canvas
Signed Gloss Photo Prints available
7" x 7" - $101
0" x 10" - $30
15" x 15" - $45
20" x 20" giclée signed by artist-$65
Sure Looks Different Up Close!
So, there actually IS a Man in the Moon!
20" x 20", oil on canvas
Signed Gloss Photo Prints available
7" x 7" - $10
10" x 10" - $30
15" x 15" - $45
20" x 20" giclée signed by artist-$65
Copyright © 2019 Kevin Peddicord - All Rights Reserved. Website Design and Content Writing by The Artist's Concierge Thea Fotiu Howell